*Crispy polenta with gorgonzola and walnuts
- Tempo totale 26min
- 10min
Tempo di preparazione - 16min
Tempo di cottura - 0min
Tempo di raffreddamento
4 persone
100 g *Polenta
10 cl *Single cream
50 cl *Water
1 cc *Salt
120 g *Gorgonzola cheese
30 g *Walnuts
Step 1 /6
*Prepare the ingredients.
Step 2 /6
*Pour the polenta, cream, water and salt into the bowl.
Step 3 /6
*Fry for 6 minutes. Stir with a spatula while cooking.
Step 4 /6
*Stir for a further 1 minute after cooking.
Step 5 /6
*Sprinkle the gorgonzola and walnuts over the polenta. Manual Air Fryer cooking.
Step 6 /6
*Serve immediately.