*Roast chicken with herbs and potatoes
- Tempo totale 55min
- 15min
Tempo di preparazione - 40min
Tempo di cottura - 0min
Tempo di raffreddamento
2 persone
400 g *Potatoes
2 CT *Olive oil
0.5 cc *Dried herbs
20 cl *Water
1 *Chicken
10 g *Butter
0.5 scorza *Lemon
*Salt and pepper
Step 1 /6
*Prepare the ingredients.
Step 2 /6
*Place the potatoes, oil, herbs, salt and pepper in the bowl.
Step 3 /6
*Mix well and add the water.
Step 4 /6
*Place the seasoned and buttered chicken in the bowl.
Step 5 /6
*Roast cooking.
Step 6 /6
*Finish with the lemon zest. Enjoy.