Crispy chicken KFC® style
- Tempo totale 5h 32min
- 20min
Tempo di preparazione - 12min
Tempo di cottura - 5h
Tempo di raffreddamento
4 persone
300 g *Chicken breast
50 cl *Milk
1 cc *Garlic powder
1 cc *Dried herbs
100 g *Plain flour
80 g *Cornflakes
1 cc *Baking powder
1 cc *Cajun spice powder
3 cl *Vegetable oil
*Salt and pepper
Step 1 /10
*Prepare the ingredients.
Step 2 /10
*In a large recipient, mix the milk with the garlic powder and dried herbs. Season with salt and pepper.
Step 3 /10
*Place the chicken strips in the marinade and leave in the fridge for at least 5 hours.
Step 4 /10
*Pour the flour, coarsely crushed cornflakes, baking powder, salt, Cajun spices and oil into a large recipient.
Step 5 /10
*Remove the chicken strips from the marinade and drain lightly. Arrange them on a plate.
Step 6 /10
*Coat each piece of chicken with the breadcrumb mixture until well covered.
Step 7 /10
*Place the tenders in the Airfry basket.
Step 8 /10
*Fit the basket in the appliance.
Step 9 /10
*Manual Air Fryer cooking.
Step 10 /10
*Serve hot.