*Chickpea, spinach and rice curry
- Tempo totale 41min
- 15min
Tempo di preparazione - 26min
Tempo di cottura - 0min
Tempo di raffreddamento
4 persone
270 g *Chickpea
1 CT *Indian-style mix
2 CT *Olive oil
1 CT *Salt
140 g *Basmati rice
150 g *Spinach
1 *Onion
20 cl *Coconut cream
30 cl *Water
1 cc *Curry paste
Step 1 /7
*Prepare the ingredients.
Step 2 /7
*Mix the chickpeas, Indian-style mixture, oil and salt in a recipient. Set aside.
Step 3 /7
*Add the rice, spinach, onion, cream, water and curry powder to the bowl and stir with a spatula.
Step 4 /7
*Fit the AirFry basket.
Step 5 /7
*Place the chickpeas in the basket.
Step 6 /7
*Steam & crisp cooking.
Step 7 /7
*Serve piping hot.